We come together and welcome in our Wholeness.
Connecting to the energies that help ReNew us,
to the energy that is us, within our
Activation Circle and beyond.

– Inspired Action –
I had this idea presented to me, and it felt as if
I was being led home … to a balanced home, filled with beautiful friends, where I get to come and share my passions, my experiences, my expertise, any and all the things to live a life filled with bliss, ease, opportunities, blessings, and infinite abundance, that we all so deeply desire!

Here we are
moving through the PATHWAYS in this life!

We are S O U L A L I G N E D
and ready to S H I N E!

Welcome, my friend!
I am so very happy that you are here!

Offered in the Soul Aligned Pathway

Weekly “In Real Life” videos on various topics, including Human Design, Release Work, Emotion Code, Meditation, Energy Alignment, Parenting, Marriage, Working Moms, Friends, and so much more goodness!

Monthly Live Q&A sessions with Cari, evolving topics.

Scheduled Zoom meetings for “social time” with my kiddos. Let’s meet some new little friends, who could use some extra social support or not (just want some fun), and share our fun experiences together. Think show and tell, lets see your talent, lets do a craft together, games to get to know each other better, whatever comes up from my kiddos to move with. I’m handing this one over to Bella … and she is thrilled! She is already planning her “lets make a squishy” craft day with some new friends that she is excited to meet!

Weekly Mommy/Daddy and Me/Us guided meditations and energy align routines and dances.

Video clips with energy align techniques and exercises for a variety of situations that would benefit from gently be guided through processing and releasing.

Group Reiki Sessions!

Monthly drawings for a gifted Release Work Session.


Meet Cari

Hi there, I’m Cari, the creator of The SOul ALIGNED Pathway, and I come with a plethora of experience, practice and training backed with a with a soul rooted desire to share it with you!

I am a momma to 3 beautiful birthed beings and 2 wonderful bonus beings, wife to an adoring husband, whom I absolutely cherish and am so deeply in love with, and a loving friend to all!

Being a mom has been an incredibly AWEsome and humbling experience. I have been honored to move through the experiences of being a teenage mom, divorced mom, single mom, remarried mom, bonus mom, reparented mom, depressed and imbalanced mom, awakened and renewed mom, and have appreciated settling into the version of mom I am now, that I will forever be … Mom

I am a Projector in Human Design, with a splenic authority, a single channel, 6/3 profile, active storyline, and a Cross of Healing … I am continually fascinated with my energy design and how I show up in life, the paths that are here to teach me! I’ve experienced “it all”, spoken like a true 6/3 profile … and I’m here now, on the roof, allowing it all to come out in the ways that it is meant to, for whom it is meant for. I love sharing my experiences and the systems, tools and techniques that I have learned! It allows me to shift and reframe my life in ways that flow with ease … and I want to share that with you!

I am an Intuitive. I was born intuitive, we all are, we all forget, but I chose to remember and come back, to bring it back into my space for expansion, as I weave in Intuition, in all forms, into all of my sessions and practices. You can, too! Let’t ignite the trust within!

I practice, share, and teach Holy Fire III Reiki . . . I LOVE REIKI! It has opened my awareness to higher timeline possibilities beyond what I could have ever imagined.

I practice and share Release Work using Emotion Code, which has created so much space for me to continue to expand into the highest version of my truth!

I meditate daily, incorporate guided meditation into Reiki sessions, and will always encourage you to add this into your daily routine, in some form or another!

Aligning our energies is such a vital piece to wellness, it has been for thousands of years, and yet it is still making it’s way to the front lines in most of our cultures. Let’s bring it forth together!

This stuff is real, you guys, or at least as real as we can conceptualize as humans! It’s ready for us to tap into!

I’m so excited to start this journey alongside you!

“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

— Squarespace