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Your Human Design Authority - Your unique way of guidance for correct decision making, for big decisions or for any decision, however you choose.
Honoring your authority will allow for less resistance and more ease to flow with, to, and for you…..creating the peace, satisfaction, success, and delight that you so desire in life!

A brief overview for a better understanding…..

EMOTIONAL: You have the gift, if you allow yourself the time, of feeling your true emotions, in all of their glory, to guide you to clarity for correct decision making! Trusting your emotional timing as this clarity is brought forth, allowing the time to move through the feelings of it, BEFORE coming to or committing to the decision. “Let me get back to you” …. “Give me some time to think about it” …. “I allow myself the time and space to feel through this decision” are a few phrases that will probably feel really good to try on when confronted with a big decision in life! IT IS OKAY TO WAIT….even in our fast paced world, it is not only okay for you to wait, but it is crucial for you in your decision making process, as waiting will allow your energy to move correctly, in the a way that will best serve you! Giving yourself the time and space, along with self compassion and grace, to WAIT on the in the moment decisions, may feel really good to experiment with!


SACRAL: You have inner body, gut hit, feelings in response to whatever is engaging your attention, moment to moment. Responding with a “yes” or a “no”, in response to your body intelligence of a yes or no, is KEY for you in making correct choices. When you start weighing all of the options through your mind, you give up your inner authority to your mind. Your body is crucial here….you’re feeling and noticing the answer through this awareness, gaining more access to your highest self! Practicing with “yes” and “no” responses, learning how they feel, observing what your body is telling you, through the gut feeling, body sensations, movements, and sounds that you are feeling and making is a good way to “strengthen” this awareness!


SPLENIC: You have keen instincts, intuitive knowings, and hunches every moment! Trusting this (not always logical or explainable) intuition is how you start to learn that it is here to guide you towards what is meant for you….in each moment. Building the trust with yourself, and paying attention to these “hits” and inner knowings, honoring them, and allowing your mind to tune out is a skill that slowly works it way up to being the fierce leader that it wants to be! TRUST IS ABSOLUTELY KEY HERE! Getting quiet enough, in moments when you can, to learn how this shows up for you, in order for you to start embracing and moving with it takes time….patience….and lots of experimenting with. You totally have it in you to listen and trust your inner authority! It will always guide you correctly!


SELF PROJECTED: You have a unique and individual direction that your body will show you, will allow you to feel as you speak out loud and express your uniqueness. This is totally your direction, as you speak, that will lead you to where you desire to be. Don’t be afraid to talk it out. TRUST IT! Having a close friend or a group of people to talk with may feel really good to you, as there you will have a constant, non-judgmental outlet for you to express yourself with and to!


MENTAL: Trust that you DO have something to say, and when asked to discuss the invitation that you are now making a decision on, pay attention to how you speak, the way it comes out, and this is exactly what is meant to be said and how it is meant to said for you to listen and feel into what the correct way for you is. Having a close friend, a “sounding board” is something that will feel fantastic for you, as you speak what comes to you, allowing it to flow out to expose your truth! Doing so with an understanding that this “space to speak” with your “sounding board”, is a safe, non-judgmental, non advice seeking, just needing to say what needs to be said to feel and hear yourself, and to receive feedback on how it comes out, if you desire the feedback. Being in the right environments with the right people is especially key to pay attention to! The way you are speaking…..or not….will “speak volumes” as to how you are moving through whatever it is you are needing clarity on, to guide you in making decisions and choices that will serve your highest self!


EGO PROJECTED: Trusting the invitation, however it comes to you, to initiate…others and yourself, leaping into the unknown, being the first to enter, with a gift of guiding self and others into areas they would not normally access, feeling if you have the will to advance with the invitation. What you want is what needs to happen. If not, you choose no to the invitation to initiate in that moment. Once patiently mastered, this will lead you to experience true success. You have the capacity to initiate the other. To be that initiating force, you need to be invited!


EGO MANIFESTED: Listening to what you spontaneously (and unapologetically) say, in the moment. Your truth is not in what your mind thinks, not what you think you should say, it is what comes out in the moment, so speaking and listening is key for ultimate inner guidance. What you want is what needs to happen. Being true to what comes out through your voice will guide you. Trust your voice, speaking from the heart, and see where it takes you!


**Ego/Heart/Will - You have a gift of willpower, a desire to want what you know is best for you, and a keen sense of self-esteem, if living aligned. This magnificent power to know what will best serve you, speaking it, and then acting on it, within each moment you are presented with, is an incredible step that you can take to following your soul’s true desires. Being in-tune with yourself, having the ability to step forward and proclaim your power, is something that will feel quite incredible for you!

NONE (Lunar Authority for Reflectors): You are a very unique and fascinating individual, here to never be rushed nor pushed into anything! Ever! And for your big life decisions, taking your sweet time….yes, a full lunar cycle (however that may look and feel to you)….and trusting yourself, as you move through life following this lunar cycle, a true moon child, feeling into the changes, emotions, knowings, discussions, and hits that you receive along the way! Moving slowly through this with allowance and grace for yourself, and embracing the feelings of “nothing and everything”, until you feel you have experienced it in a way that the decisions makes sense for you to finalize, then it is so….. Being in environments and with people that feel absolutely correct to and for you is so very important for you, as you move through your decision making process! You will feel at ease as you move through the lunar cycle if this is correct for you! If it is not feeling correct, remove yourself for one month, if you’re able to, and see how it feels!